- B.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, 2013
- Ph.D in Chemistry, University of California Davis, 2018
Professional Experience
- September 2018 – April 2020: Postdoctoral Research Associate
- University of Bristol
- School of Chemistry
- Supervisor: Prof. Barry Carpenter
- April 2020 – Present: Postdoctoral Scholar
- University of Washington
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Supervisor: Prof. Jim Pfaendtner
S.R. Hare, M. Orman, F. Dewan, E. Dalchand, C. Buzard, S. Ahmed, J.C. Tolentino, U. Sethi, K. Terlizzi, C. Houferak, A.M. Stein, A. Stedronsky, D.M. Thamattoor, D.J. Tantillo, D.C. Merrer, "Experimental and Computational Mechanistic Investigation of Chlorocarbene Additions to Bridgehead Carbene-Anti-Bredt Systems: Noradamantylcarbene-Adamantene and Adamantylcarbene-Homoadamantene." Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015.
S.R. Hare, D.J. Tantillo, "Dynamic behavior of rearranging carbocations - Implications for terpene biosynthesis." Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016.
S.R. Hare, D.J. Tantillo, "Cryptic post-transition state bifurcations that reduce the efficiency of lactone-forming Rh-carbenoid C-H insertions." Chemical Science, 2017.
S.R. Hare, R.P. Pemberton, D.J. Tantillo, "Navigating Past a Fork in the Road: Carbocation-$pi$ Interactions Can Manipulate Dynamic Behavior of Reactions Facing Post-Transition-State Bifurcations." Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017.
Stephanie Hare, Dean Tantillo, "Pericyclic or Pseudopericyclic? the Case of an Allylic Transposition in the Synthesis of a Saccharin Derivative." Journal of Chemical Education, 2017.
Stephanie Hare, Dean Tantillo, "Post-transition state bifucations gain momentum -- current state of the field." Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2017.
S.R. Hare, J.M. Farnham, D.J. Tantillo, "Putative biosynthetic cycloadditions en route to the diterpenoid (+)-chatancin." Tetrahedron, 2017.
Ngiap Lim, Patrick Weiss, Beryl Li, Christina McCulley, Stephanie Hare, Bronwyn Bensema, Teresa Palazzo, Dean Tantillo, Haiming Zhang, Francis Gosselin, "Synthesis of Highly Stereodefined Tetrasubstituted Acyclic All-Carbon Olefins via a Syn-Elimination Approach." Organic Letters, 2017.
S.R. Hare, A. Li, D.J. Tantillo, "Post-transition state bifurcations induce dynamical detours in Pummerer-like reactions." Chemical Science, 2018.
Marcus Bl{\"{u}}mel, Shota Nagasawa, Katherine Blackford, Stephanie Hare, Dean Tantillo, Richmond Sarpong, "Rearrangement of Hydroxylated Pinene Derivatives to Fenchone-Type Frameworks: Computational Evidence for Dynamically-Controlled Selectivity." Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018.
D.J. Tantillo, J.B. Siegel, C.M. Saunders, T.A. Palazzo, P.P. Painter, T.E. O'Brien, N.N. Nu{\~{n}}ez, D.H. Nouri, M.W. Lodewyk, B.M. Hudson, S.R. Hare, R.L. Davis, "Computer-Aided Drug Design for Undergraduates." Journal of Chemical Education, 2019.
S.R. Hare, L.A. Bratholm, D.R. Glowacki, B.K. Carpenter, "Low dimensional representations along intrinsic reaction coordinates and molecular dynamics trajectories using interatomic distance matrices." Chemical Science, 2019.
H.M. Deeks, R.K. Walters, S.R. Hare, M.B. O'Connor, A.J. Mulholland, D.R. Glowacki, "Interactive molecular dynamics in virtual reality for accurate flexible protein-ligand docking." PLoS ONE, 2020.
August 01, 2014
Poster at Fall ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA
March 01, 2015
Poster at 15th Annual R. Brian Miller Symposium, Davis, CA
June 01, 2015
Poster at Physical Organic Gordon Research Conference (GRC), Holderness, NH
June 01, 2015
Talk at Physical Organic Gordon Research Seminar (GRS), Holderness, NH
March 01, 2016
Poster at Spring ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA
March 01, 2016
Poster at UC Symposium for the Chemical Sciences (UCSCS), Lake Arrowhead, CA
March 01, 2016
Talk at Spring ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA
June 01, 2016
Poster at 36th Reaction Mechanisms Conference (RMC), St. Louis, MO
May 01, 2017
Talk at Genentech Graduate Student Symposium, San Francisco, CA
June 01, 2017
Poster at National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS), Davis, CA
June 01, 2017
Poster at D.E. Shaw Graduate and Postdoc Women's Forum, New York, NY
August 01, 2017
Poster at Fall ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Washington, DC
August 01, 2017
Talk at Fall ACS National Meeting & Exposition: Women Chemists Committee (WCC)/ Merck Award Symposium, Washington, DC
March 01, 2018
Poster at Spring ACS National Meeting & Exposition: Chemical Computing Group (CCG) Excellence Award for Graduate Students , New Orleans, LA
March 01, 2018
Symposium at Spring ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, LA
March 01, 2018
Talk at Spring ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, LA
March 01, 2019
Talk at Spring ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, FL
June 01, 2019
Poster at Physical Organic Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Conference (GRC), Holderness, NH
June 01, 2019
Poster at Applied Mathematics: The Next 50 Years, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
June 01, 2019
Talk at Physical Organic Gordon Research Conference (GRC, Holderness, NH
July 01, 2019
Poster at CECAM Workshop: Learning the Collective Variables of Biomolecular Processes, Paris, France
September 01, 2019
Talk at Catalysis and Computation Symposium, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
November 01, 2020
Talk at AIChE 2020 Annual Meeting , Virtual
Service and leadership
Women Chemists Committee (WCC) of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
Sexual Harassment Prevention Team Leader.
Wikipedia Edit-a-thon Event Coordinator.